Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Real Law Society

If you are new to the world we live in you would be dazzled by the workings of our soceity. Let me ask you, are you a lawyer? Are you a banker? Do you know anything about these two worlds? Do you ever wonder why Americans consider themselves free? Do you know how the world is going to hell in a handbag and you are ignorant to the fact that it is even happening? Well let me enlighten you.
First if you are America, which I was born as. You will think that this is the greatest country ever on the face of the planet and that you are free to do what ever you want as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others, right? Well I am sorry to break it to you but this is far from the greatest country ever, you are not free and never have been and you have only been brainwashed to believe all this.
Let me explain. The United States Constitution is the most important document that probably was ever written in the last 1000 years. Why? Because when used and interpreted correctly it sets up the conditions of the latter, a free country in where it would be the greatest on the planet for no other would be like it.
Lets look at how it does this. First it declares that all men are created equal. Then it states that all truth is self evident. What does this mean? Well when they wrote it they made it very specific and not easily misinterpreted. First of all ladies, I am sorry to say but you were not included. Women at this time were still looked at as a mans property, for it was only a man that could own a legal identity. This was so for many reasons, mainly because the man was the educated one and took care of all family legal matters. Next it states that all truth is self evident, this literally means exactly what it say but I gurantee you still look at it and fail to see the message. It means that truth is only what you percieve it to be with the facts that you have. In other words, my truth is not the same as yours and we willl respect that.
Ok, so already within the preamble we can see where some Americans will get confused, this is mainly because culture has shifted and the words and phrases have taken different meaning. Well next lets skip ahead.
The next few parts dont tell the people what the Governement is and what it does it establishes a contract with the Government of their granted powers from the people. So this means that it established that Government is below the people not above like in the tyrannical goverments that we defeated to gain this power. This was essential for many reasons for it allowed the blunt of the power to stay in the hands of the people. Also within this part of the Constitution it sets up a series of checks and balances in where the all the branches have equal amounts of power and can over turn any other on certain decisions. This was imperative for the people at the time that established government could keep an eye on the Federal proceedings at all times.
Next the Constitution establishes the form of Government that we will use in our society, do you know what it is??? I bet the majority of you are saying to yourself right now, Democratic form of government right? Please if that is what you think go to the Constitution and tell me where it says at any point the word Democratic? You will not find it cause it does not exist. The form of government that was given to us in the Constitution was a Republican form of government. Not dont start thinking Democrats and Republicans here, this is not what this means.
The word Democrat is derived from the Greek words Demo-Kratos which some say will translate into "People-Power" or the "People have the power". But in true Greek translation it means the "majority of the people have the power". This is saying that 51% of the people rule over the other 49%. Now I dont know about you but those 49% are not free for they are submitting to the will of the other 51%. The word Democracy is also known as "Mob rule". Have you ever heard of a "demostrations" being known as the Mobs of people? Ok, so now we see our country was not set up as a democracy and that it is in fact a Republic, but what the hell does Republic mean? Well Republic is Latin from "Res-Publica" which means "public affairs". It translates to the "the people are the deciders of their government and take part within its actions". So that is sounding alot like a democracy right? Well except for one thing that many of you take for granted and that is courts.
Say for example that a law gets passed by the government, lets say for an example marijuana is illegalized (notice the word, take note we will come back later). Now you are out in town one night and you get pulled over and the Peace officer finds your marijuana. He arrests you and gives you a ticket to appear in court. You go to court and tell the judge you want to fight this ticket for you think that it is your right to possess and smoke marijuana. The judge then "grants" you a trial.
You go to trial and present your case. The jury finds you innocent of all charges and you win the case.
Now what happened here? The law on the books states that it is illegal to possess and consume marijuana but you just went into court and showed the law to be... unconstitutional for no where in the Constitution does it grant the government the right to tell you what you can and cannot put into your body and possess on your person.
So all it took was 12 of your peers to overturn a law that was voted in by a Republican process. This happened because the people have a role in Government, they are the ultimate deciders when a law has been broken.
As for judicial systems, small claims and penal courts are truly unlawful in a sense, but all leave the outlet for you to get a trial.
Ok, so next lets look at the big daddy, the Bill of Rights. What does the Bill of Right (first 10 amendments) do? It establishes inalienable rights that were granted to the people by a creator and can not be taken away unless God himself comes down and does so. So it tells the government that your job is to protect these inalienable rights and preserve them so we all can remain free.
Now, these rights are seriously written as clear as day. They were never meant to be misinterpreted. So let me ask you. Was this country founded by Christians? If you said yes you are wrong. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine to name a few were atheists. This is why the First amendment states a freedom to whatever religion you want, remember all truths are self evident. Now why would these men choose to leave religion out of Government? Well if you know your history you will know that King George had a Papal behind his reign and so did so many others. The Roman Empire came crashing down long with countless others all because there was not separation of powers from Church and State. The Papals persuaded and corrputed and rules from the shadows.
So what did the founding fathers put in place to ensure the people that at no time would any power become greater than that people? Well it was the 9th and 10th amendment. In a nutshell, it says that the powers not granted to the Federal Government by the people in this Constitution, the Federal Government will not have. But instead those powers will be kept in the hands of the people and the states in which they reside. So any power the Government is not granted through the Constitution the people have.
But, who are the people? Look at the 5th amendment and tell me something that is very intriguing. Do you see the word person? Do you so the context that it is being used in? "In you person", what does that mean "in your person". Now breaking it down it is saying "your" as in people and "person" as in ? Well I asked this a long time ago and decided to look at a law dictionary because the Constituion is a contract and contracts fall under legal terminology. So I looked up the word person and it says that a person is a corporation, a legal entity. With further reasearch you find that everyone has a person, but that person is not you. It is the entity that you have so that you can do business in the world. So in essence, when you are in your person you are not a "people". You now fall under a new set of laws, the laws of commerce.
Lets take this a step further shall we. The 13th amendment of the Constitution abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude does it not? Now let me ask you, if we wanted to free the slaves why didnt we just pass an amendment stating that all "negro males" will now be equal to all "white males" and will be known as the "people"? We didnt because the men that passed this legislation didnt want that. The 13 amendment had nothing to do with slavery. It had everything to do with you and I. First, look at what it states to do. It is abolishing Slavery and Involuntary servitude, are these two things not the same? To the layman it would appear so and it was written so to avoid confusion, but in actuality they are completely different. See in order for there to be slavery there has to be something called freedom and in order for there to be involuntary servitude there has to be something called voluntary servitude. So in reality the 13th amendment sets up two states in which a human being can be in, either freedom or voluntary servitude. Now why would someone want this? Well lets look at what happened soon after the 13th amendment. The African Americans saw through this trick and claimed that just because you abolished slavery doesnt make us free men, it only established fractional legal rights. Or in other words it allowed them to have a person with limited use. So the government came out with the 14th amendment. Well let me tell you that the 14th amendment is the reason why you have no rights under the Constitution. Read it:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"

Now, what does this really say? We now know the definition of person and in the latter amendment we dont see the word people anywhere do we? So how can a person, which is a legal entity be "born"? Well this term is not pertaining to you it is pertaining to something called Maritime Admirality law. When something is born under admiralitly law it is received by the home country and made the financial property of that country. Next lets look at the word citizen and United States, where is the definitions? Well most likely in the place where the laws of that jurisdicton as held right? Wait a minute, what does it mean by jurisdiction? And why is it repeating a part of the preamble over again (life, liberty or property)? Well the reason is because "any legal entity born as a asset to the United States will be an employee of the United States and fall under the guidlines determined under the commerce jurisdition of the United States". Note that no where in there does it declare you a people or that you have rights under the Bill of Rights.
Now I bet you are saying that I am full of hogwash right?

Check it for yourself. Now this is only one part of the defining of the terms used, for each term used in the US Code has different meanings, but in Commerce this is the definitions of the word United States= Federal Corporation, Now little did you know that if you do a google search for Delware incorporated businesses, and then type in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC, you will see many different variations come up in many different years, but the ones to be looking for are the ones from 1919 and 1858. For these are when the united states of America became the United States of America and under the declaration of this company it employees are and will be known as citizens.

Dont take my word for it, look it all up your self.

Now what do we have here? We have men and women living in their persons, and when they do so they no longer have the rights preserved under the Constitution but instead have a new set of privledges given to them under the jurisdiction of the corporation that they are acting in. The problem is soceity became ignorant and allowed the government to form around their ignorance. In doing so they voluntarily enslaved themselves by creating a system of living within the laws of commerce. Dont beleive me? Let me ask you something. Is something that is illegal unlawfull? The answer cannot be determined unless you know both the law and legal codes because there is a difference. Laws pertain to something known as common law jurisdiction, in where if a person or property is damaged or injured then a law is broken. In legal codes something is broken when the flow of commerce is interupted.
Here is it is plain and simple. God grants you rights. He gave you the right to travel, speak, defend yourself, marry, have property, privacy etc. But put yourself in todays society, do you not have to get a license to drive? Marry? Own property? Protest? How do you consider that rights? This means that the Government is granting you privledges, which are only temporary rights, they can be taken away at anytime! So now look at your life and tell me how you are free?

Do you want to know the way around it all? Do you want to know why this is all happening? Do you want to know what else is being kept from you? Keep reading the blog and I will post more, including but not limited to...
Religion, Spirituality, Politics, Psychology, Paranormal, Alternate History, Creation, Alternative Science.....

From Earth,


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