This is a semi detailed description of many thoughts that were put together that came from a higher awareness. Now remember in order to comprehend a higher thought on this level we have to describe it with the limitations that we are bound by on this level. So my perspective might confuse the hell out of you or it might be the epiphany you have been waiting or. I think many will want to call the crazy house and tell them to get a bed ready, either way this needs to be said, for it is my working understanding that is gaining more detail everyday, but this is what I got so far. Enjoy.
I consider myself a scientist. I am well read and educated on the subject, I use its methods in my research and whenever I propose a theory I always seek to prove it with full understanding on my current level of awareness. But unlike our educated modern day scientist, when I come to some information that does not make sense to me or the community I work in I don’t just make up or create new components that in reality don’t exist to fill in the missing information or fill that theory in with the information I simply don’t understand because that is the only way to make the equation work! In doing this method mentioned above we are proving that theory that was created as being explained with the something we do not understand. Get it? This is not right and it is absurd that modern day science comes to a consensus on this. It is the same as saying that we have all this information stating that the earth is flat, millions of people believe it, but then all of a sudden we have to explain the curvature problem, and from this the flat world scientist make up imaginary laws and components to keep the current consensus theory. So in reality if a million people believe in a bad idea, it is still a bad idea.
So let’s look at this:
The modern scientific theory accepted by many astrophysicists is that the Universe about 13.7 billion years ago was the size of a pea. That is right all the matter and energy was composed within this pea. Then, it exploded and all that matter and energy spread out at the speed of light in all directions. Only after sometime did it
Slow down and start cooling, in which all the matter and energy started to conform together and but still expand at the speed of light.
Now if you are like me and realize the box doesn’t exist, which is on the contrary to the scientist who are aware of the box and can look out of it but fail to understand that even looking out of it still limits your perspective. Then here are a few questions you will ask the scientist. (I will explain all these two with my theory)
1.) If the universe was the size of a pea and everything was contained in it, all laws and forces, then what was the area around the pea?
2.) Isn’t matter just condensed energy? So wouldn’t the pea then be just all matter or all energy? How can you have a mixture of both?
3.) What was the force that held the pea together? What was the force that caused it to form that way?
4.) What was the force that caused it to explode?
5.) When something explodes in a vacuum it continues on that path until acted upon by another force (Newton’s Laws of motion), in which the pea exploded cooled, and started to form galaxies, stars, nebulas, etc. So if that is the case why does something that is expanding (all parts moving away from each other) start coming back together, then start cooling? Then slow down, or keep its same rate of expansion. It makes no sense, unless there was force acting upon it externally.
If modern science is correct about this theory then our science is wrong as for the Big Bang contradicts our laws.
6.) Where did the pea and what surrounds it come from in the first place?
Now I am sure any scientist could sit there and give some explanation to describe all these questions, but when you break down what they say they will use undetermined theories and made up components to explain this. In reality, this is only the working model they have and the further they look into it the more complex it gets.
I am a fond supporter of Acoms razor, which says, "With everything being equal the simplest explanation is the right answer".
Now that latter transcription seems very improbable, mainly because the answer it states contradicts itself to our known laws and also it leaves the exact question it set to define unanswered.
So are we to be in consensus with modern science to say that we have theories and the more answers we get form these theories the more theories that have to be proposed and the more questions that arise? Or is it as simple as the Hermetic axiom, “as above, so below”?
You decide.
With help from my higher consciousness in which I feel the connection is getting stronger and stronger everyday, almost to the point of where I can’t sleep it helped me understand this and in a nutshell this is what I have learned and what I will try to explain for the first time in a logical and organized manner.
Let’s take a philoscientigious (philosophy, science, religion)
What came first the Chicken or the Egg?
This is not an unanswerable question; it simply takes a different perspective to solve. In this case the answer is not within the question and the answer is simply something we would never expect. This can be shown by reading my prior blog on Consciousness, in where if you never existed the universe would not exist and in order for any of the atoms in the chicken or the egg to be present there must first be awareness there to observe them.
So let me take you away deep inside your imagination. Erase the big bang from your mind and now think of a universe with the construct of consciousness and everything that exists within it is merely just representing a different state of awareness. Now take yourself back to the beginning of this awareness. Now Imagine NO Thing. Nothing. Not even desolate space, not even space. Absolutely nothing, not even darkness exists.
The interesting thing about this Nothing is that it never existed. For existence takes a conscious observer to take part, right!
So what was the beginning? I know it was simply what I would call the "First thought". Nothing as we can only comprehend it became aware, or simply stated awareness became of the nothing, or nothing became everything just through self awareness.
Now first we must understand something. Before the awareness there was nothing. Not even time. Once that awareness became, then moment one happened. Next comes moment two. In which the thought flows from the first moment to the next, but still existing in the first moment as well as the next. We now have two thoughts in two moments within this "Thought Field". This is where time is created. The two thoughts are aware of each other, they realize that if they both now create a thought those thoughts will be represented in the next moment, and it happens. The next moment gave birth to two thoughts, in which the first and second still existed. The process is still going on today, it has never stopped and as long as we keep our awareness and allow that awareness to keep thinking, existence will keep happening.
This first thought that created this "Thought Field" can even be experienced today by us. It shows that the entire universe and all energy contained within is conscious and that the purpose of every thought is to create, experience, grow and think next from a higher level. All great teachers knew this and tried to show us these techniques.
So this shows that everything we see around us was a creation of something’s or someone’s imagination. The "Thought field" can be described as the mind of God and we are simply his imagination. Don’t believe me? Look around you. What do you see that was not first an idea (thought) within someone’s mind? The table, computer, chair, rug, wall, posters, components, your whole reality around you right now is composed of someone else’s thoughts. What makes you think that nature and the universe is any different?
Everything has a pattern and rhythm to it. When science states that everything happened out of chaos and disorder and that certain numbers have no pattern to them, science just fails to understand something that is larger than them. For anything that brings about fear, confusion, doubt or frustration is simply something we don’t understand.
Ok, so if this is true how does it explain everything? Well let us look at the universe. Instead of a big bang we now have a rapid growth that doubles itself in each moment. So we can see how the universe is expanding right? Wrong. First we need to understand how conscious awareness is created before we can see the inner workings of how it creates. For the first thought was the birth of consciousness or God as we call it.
Now this is going to be hard to explain, for I can see it in my mind, but it happens on a different level of knowing that most of us can’t comprehend, it took me a long time to even realize what the thought was.
Take that same nothing, if you can give it a center; metaphorically speaking. Think of everything in every which direction pulling into the center and collapsing onto itself. Now appears a center light or what many know as a singularity. This center has contorted all the emptiness around it into itself, which in this case, there is no space. So in its creation it is forced to collapse onto itself and create space within itself, a black hole of sorts. This is the field born within the first thought, the conscious construct as it would be called, in which infinity exists simply out of nothing. You can actually say that if you look inside nothing you will seriously find everything.
So we have this conscious entity that has collapsed onto itself to create infinity. Then it simply creates thoughts in this field where each thought creates thoughts within its own given moment all the while all thoughts in all prior moments are still present and creating their new thoughts in the next moment. It is a compound exponential process that we call reality. It is completely dependent on the awareness of the prior and the next.
Now, all the time this is happening each thought is still connected to and emanating from the first thought. In actuality the only thought that exists is that first thought. But since all thoughts are connected to the "mind" of God, all energy emanates from this. Think of it as the source of all energy, where it is the highest state. Energy (thought) we know flows from a high to a low state. So what happens when energy reaches its next state? It evolves (ascends) to the next level (dimension). Or as we know it experiences a new level of existence where it has a new level of thoughts where it creates on a new level. Just like the first thought did, and the second, so on so forth.
So in science when we look at this spiritual theory of the universe how does it explain everything, or what science calls the Holy Grail of Physics? Well for all of you out there that have been waiting for this, put your mind in that open space where it has no limits and boundaries, lift your awareness to not that of the simple layman but of a spiritual genius who is aware of everything and anything and can comprehend all that is thrown at them. So without further a due, here it is.
For an example we will use the Earth because it is something we are all very familiar with and know. But first in order to avoid confusion we have to say that since we will be looking at the Earth residing on a new dimension in which we know that a new dimension is away from the source in where the source is the highest potential, the new dimension is now a lower state. (Energy travels from a high to low)
This is showing us that the source is the highest dimension and all other dimensions away from it are not higher but lower dimensional states. In where awareness evolves by living in one dimension, takes in all the energy it can and then transfers its energy from that high potential to the next lower state. I know this seems confusing but bear with me here.
Think of it as states of solids. We will take water for example. Let’s say that water starts as a solid (ice). This is directly from the creator. It evolves into liquid water after it takes in all the energy it can. Water is a less dense form, or a lower dimensional state. Now the waters vibrational state is higher in this lower dimensional state. The vibrational state is the evolved energy. Now let’s take this one step further. The water now completes the next cycle and takes in all the energy it can in its liquid form and is now a gas. It now resides on a lower dimensional state or lower energy level, where it is less dense but on a higher vibrational state. This is in accordance with our current laws of science, why should anything be any different?
So now back to the creation of Earth, from the lowest forms of energy to the most condensed forms of matter it is prevalent that they are all made of the same stuff, in which the stuff seems to be repeating the same cycle over and over again.
We know that in this cycle consciousness comes first, and is the construct that everything exists within. So in the place that we now know that the Earth exists, a long time ago a conscious awareness formed, this awareness came from a higher dimensional level and when it evolved its energy transferred to the next medium.
When it manifested it took space time in all directions and pulled it onto itself by contorting and collapsing it into its center. When it did this it created all time space to angle in towards its center. (I like to envision an Einstein Rosen bridge)
Now this awareness has a vibrational pattern. This pattern is somewhat like a blueprint. This blueprint is what I call a thought form. It is the manifested appearance on that dimensional level of what the creator sees it as.
We now have a blueprint to be filled in and we have energy or other forms of awareness within this dimensional state. We call them atoms. Now all these atoms are just different states of awareness of this same consciousness, some more evolved and some less. So everything that is on a higher energy level or vibrational state than the manifested awareness starts moving towards that "thought form" and fills in its structure until the structure is complete and needs no more. This is where condensed matter and gases start creating the structure of the earth.
The kicker to this is that all matter is created the same way. (As above so below eh?)
Now we all know that in whatever dimension anything is happening that in order for it to be aware or conscious it must travel through moments or time, this is how the first constructs were created within this dimension. So when the Conscious awareness of earth was created it first contorted time space in individual moments, where the contortion and collapse happened over time. Think of a spring. Where when you look at it from the top it is simply a circle but when you change perspectives it has dimensionality to it that flows over time. This is the same idea and this is what sets this energy off into a spinning cycle.
After the earth pulls all its energy it needs to form its structure it begins creating itself. But wait! What about those damn laws of physics, the Strong and weak interactions, electromagnetic and Gravity!
Well, be assured it is all explained. The strong and weak interactions can easily be explained by the transfer of energy from a high to low state. In being the conscious awareness exists on a level of higher intelligence (highly evolve vibrational state) but lower density or lower energy potential. So it pulls all energy around it towards it and keeps that energy its pulling attracted towards it. This is what holds all atomic structures together, the underlying consciousness within it. This is the –why- that science has searched for!
Next we will look at the electromagnetic force. We all know about duality. The creator learned about this very early. Actually at the exact moment of creation, for in order for creation to be the high potential there has to be a low potential. This is the duality of the universe, but also translates into polarity, or the basic principles of electromagnetism.
Think of electromagnetic forces like primitive emotions. Now due to other bodies within the solar system, universe and interactions that took place, the characteristics and its polarization will be based on that and also the amount of condensed matter that formulates around its beginning potential. This will actually be used to created balance within its system but also as a defense mechanism. The balance will be with the other bodies and the defense will be from other attracted energies it doesn’t desire.
Also to add, think of its first manifestation and awareness. This energy becomes collapsed once it forms with all the matter and energy around it (visualize increasing pressure on a gas; it will strain to reach equilibrium, eventually breaking through the weakest points). When it collapses it does so in the path of least resistance. If you can visualize this it is simply energy escaping out of the “poles” and rebalancing itself around the new mass, creating what we know of as an electromagnetic field. Which can be seen in many ways but the best example I like to think of when looking at it is think of energy transferring from one medium to another, the movement is the current and the things being moved are the aware states of conscious energy. This movement of these states creates a product; this product is an electromagnetic force. It is simply the network of energy moving from point A to point B, in where point A and point B have the same increasing potential but are different polarizations, and the polarization is simply a means for them to create a balance.
Now it is time for the big one, Gravity. So how does gravity tie into this? Do you remember that contorted field from earlier, the one that consciousness created and pulled its structure onto? When it contorts and collapses onto itself it pulls from all directions of space time. This much appears like downward hills in all directions all towards the center. This is gravity. Einstein was right but had the wrong idea on the field. The object is not separate from space time the object is simply a part of space time.
In conclusion, we can see that sciences theories on creation lack some huge answers. With a review of my semi detailed theory we will see that maybe, just maybe if science placed consciousness first they could answer the ultimate questions.
In review, there was no such thing as the big bang. It is almost impossible to prove with today’s known laws of physics. In a sense of trying to describe the creation with a limited comprehension and understanding that our feeble minds can perceive we see that it is not impossible to ponder but almost irrational to put into words. To think that Nothing never existed and that a collapse of something within a never existing field, in where it creates a black hole universe within itself is seriously delusional. But has a sense of rational, does it not?
Let’s look at the big picture for a moment. At first there was consciousness, a first thought. This consciousness had another thought and created the first moment. Now with two thoughts the process continued, it evolved. Each thought within itself creates a new thought, in where each one is striving to attain a higher energy level; they do this by experiencing whatever level of awareness they can.
We have to assume that that all dimensional levels, laws, forces and space time were the first series of thoughts that took place but not necessarily in that order. But the list goes on, this process goes on to evolve into everything we know, it was all created by “one thought” and is all contained within that one thought. There is a lot more to describe on this making. I can go into severe detail on this process and above is basically a simplified version. I can go as far to show how this process actually happens, how strings came to be and vibrated on the different states. Then formed into sub atomic particles in which physical existence came to be. I can show you how on the super sub-atomic level that a string is contained on 12 dimensions or states of awareness and that that interaction is the actually reason that all matter and energy exist today. Even though there are more that 12 dimensions on a physical level of existence that we know all those levels are all based on a combined computational probability of all states of all strings at the same time, which since the strings themselves are evolving and come from an infinite source is undefined or infinite in itself. But that is for another time and I think what is already here is a lot to fathom and take in.
Like always in love and light, peace be with you all and remember there is only two states that one can be in, either existence or nonexistence and if we didn’t exist then this would be a very awkward moment would it not?
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