Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For They That Dont Know

It is necessary sometimes to take the path least desired, to do and say the things not accepted by today’s society, so what does this mean? Is this the end of times? Well I believe it is all a matter of perspective. If you want it to be the end of time well then so shall your wish be granted? If you want nothing to change, so be it and if you want life to take an uncharted turn and to metamorph in front of your eyes into something new, well you are in control.
Sometimes all those choices of change require us to take those paths that are less desired, to say and do the things that society will not understand, the reason is simple, it is that thing I mentioned before and that we forget all the time, it is because we are in charge of our own path and destiny, we are the creators of our own reality and society as a whole is not you or I. Any consensus will never agree with the individual it is the individual who will come to agree with the consensus. Until now.
We look around us and we see all that was created, from the computer to the chair to the trees and sun. It was all created. But before the creation took place it had to have been a thought in some intelligences mind. Think about it. Before anything is created the creator must first think it up. This is a revolutionary thought, but the key here is not the word revolutionary it is the word thought.
Thought is the first and last, in order for their ever to have been a first moment there had to be a conscious mind there to understand that that was the first moment. This process was the first thought. It was the coming to life so to say, the first moment was the first thought. From this awareness came another thought, the first moments were created and the cycle went on for eternity. But from this we can see coming to light the universal pattern, the purpose, the underlying first thought that is seen everywhere in the universe. This thought is a processes, a cycle, a pattern, and to some it just is, to others it is the hidden key that life hides in front of your face. And he who fully understands it and grasps its concepts shall hold the power of the first and last thoughts.
This process is so simple and so elementary but yet so powerful. Here is the process. Thought, Creation, Experience, Growth, Higher Thought, Repeat. It is that simple. With this process everything comes into existence. But see most people don’t understand this and something very strange happens. They believe they have thoughts but never create. Or they create but forget how to experience, or they even experience but fail to grow. On a greater level the main thing that all humanity forgets is after growth we must now take a different perspective on how we interpret reality, for if we try to look at the world in the same mindset that created that growth we have not grown any the wiser, we have only established that experience effected us and that we acknowledged it. We almost always forget higher thought. A higher level of thinking that arises from experience. That creates wisdom. It is the key to salvation, it is the key to the universe, and it is the key to overcoming ego.
All the great Sages knew this knowledge, all the great leaders today are aware of this knowledge, but most of the people are not, for we are trained in society to accept our failures and mistakes as just that, we are nurtured into failing to grow, we are given pity within our own ignorance when we repeat the same mistakes over and over. We treat the symptoms of underlying problems instead of going right to the cause. We do this in ignorance to the facts because we are all afraid to accept responsibility for ourselves, we do this because we are all afraid to face who we really are, it is like this world of guilt will some how all fall on our shoulders if we accept that fact that somehow we are flawed as a species. We choose to lie ignorant to life’s purpose and we fail to rise above the lower level madness and see the higher light. If we only learned, grew and then took that knowledge to a higher level and repeated the process on the higher levels life would unfold its secrets in front of us, we would truly release ourselves from the grips of this tyrannical ego that encapsulates us into this limited perspective and imprisons us within our own ignorance and guilt.
There are four types of people in the world. There are those that live in the box, we call them ignorant to the world, or the sheep, then there are those that occasionally look outside that box, these are the ones that are aware of their ignorance and choose to remain in that state because it is comfortable to them, the smart sheep, then there are the ones that we know as the wolfs, they live outside the box and exploit the others ignorance, these are many of our leaders and elite. But then there is a fourth, a more evolved mind, a mind that is tired of living within ignorance of the world, one that wants more than what society provides, one that wants no more killing, murder, war, violence, one who sees an end to this fearful cycle, they are the ones that have overcome ego and realized a long time ago that the box never existed. They are the Sheppard, the tenders to the heard, the enemy to the wolf. They are the light within the day and the protectors in the darkness.
So I ask you. Who are you? Seriously take a good look at your life, take a look at who you are, what you do, how you live and how selfish you are towards others. Who are you?
Then try following those steps, look at choices in your life, go through them and see how many of them you repeat every day. You will be surprised; many of you that thought you lived outside the box will only come to realize that that was not true; it was that you lived in a box much bigger than what you thought. For if ego runs your life you will never be free, because Life is about self realization and as long as the ego keeps you ignorant and limited you will never know who you really are.
This brings life to a different perspective, it makes it so that life is about recreating that first moment of the universe within our own lives, so we see the patterns, understand the creation and become the higher levels. It is about repeating the process so that another moment comes and we can experience, grow and once more reside on the higher level and experience this creation that we all have spent an eternity creating.
It is the evolution of thought, the fields in which we travel in every moment. For as long as we stay aware another moment will happen and our survival as the universe, as consciousness is guaranteed. But if we fail to think, if we fail to create, if we imprison our minds and choose to never rise to the next level and to wallow in our own selfishness and guilt, then life will fade away and eventually we will destroy and rid ourselves from this awesome creation, for anything that works against the process will only be destroyed so that experience and growth can take place once again. The choice is yours, the universe is calling, and it is only a thought away.
Good luck brothers and sisters,
A Risen one.

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