Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2012 Fact or Fiction?

I will alsoo post here blogs from my preivous blog that I am in the process of changing.So here is one of them.

A little back ground on me, I am well traveled and have studied ancient history and religion for around 15 years. I have a fond kindness towards the esoteric philosophy if that is what you want to call it, but find myself more about self discovery.
In my research I have came across many out there that are only there to make money, and with a quick inspection of some of their work I will prove this so. In this blog I will simply give examples of two such people and then uncover for you the real truth behind 2012 that was clearly in front of all our eyes but we only needed to tear away the manmade control aspects to see.
The two people I will talk about are Dan Burisch and David Wilcock. Now I came across David and Dan about 6 months ago and due to prior knowledge on a certain subject I was able to prove they were truly fraudulent. Now in saying they are frauds I am not disclaiming that everything they say is incorrect, that is up to you to decide. I am clearly saying that in my educated opinion and from real evidence that I have obtained they have merely stolen someone else’s information and fed off of it with lies and misinformation.
Now here are the goodies, in all their presentation both Daniel and David have referred to the "Philadelphia experiment" and the "Montauk experiment". Now I became fascinated with these experiments back in the early 90's when I found the DVD's from Duncan Cameron and watched them. This drew me into a world where I had first discovered government conspiracies.
I took the stories for what they were and read all the books I could on them. Then at age 19 I joined the US Navy. This is where the wake up call came in. See the Navies of the world hold there customs, traditions and rules very tightly and since the late 1700's every ship has kept certain logs as well as the Captain of the ship keeping a personal log. This is where the terms in Star Trek come from "Captains Log"!
The Captains log is usually more about certain events that take place on the ship itself but the ships log is the most important and the one we will use here.
See the ships log "logs" and reports all events the ship goes through, including the time, date, position or place of birth and also the names of the people who logged them. This happens on the Quarter deck or bridge and usually the officer of the deck or the Petty officer of the watch is the one who does this. Back in the 30' and 40's things were no different, and it clearly shows from the evidence presented by the Navy that no such event took place, here is the link for the info
Also to add to this the former Captain of the Elderidge and many crew members laughed at these claims and stated they were not even in port in Philadelphia during the said times of the experiment, which the ships log verifies.
Now David in one of his videos claims that the event took place in Norfolk Virginia, this was totally absurd. Daniel agrees with David's story so with this gives him totally no credibility, also to add on that Daniel claims to have worked at S-4 in which Dr.Roger Leir worked. Dr. Leir came forward and said something to the line that nothing Daniel Bursich says is accurate or true, there were no such programs "looking glass" and due to compartamentization of information he would have not known half the stuff he claims. Also to boot, Daniel and his wife were working at a casino during the time he was supposedly employed at S-4, his co workers said he showed up everyday and stayed for his full shift. So where does that leave him time to work at S-4?
Ok so what about the stories and info? Well for the most part I believe them to be true! But do to Government disinformation we will never know the true nature of the story. In my opinion, the USS Elderidge was used, the experiment took place while the ship was still in the ship yards in NYC, and the original crew of the ship was not used due to the effect the experiment (did) could have caused. If you know anything about Nikola Tesla who was said to have taken part in the experiment he died in January 1943, but it was said the experiment took place around October 1943, so we have a time frame error. I have heard in many reports that the experiment took place in 1941-1942 and in NYC ship yards as per that is where Nikola Tesla was living at that time.
The experiment did exactly what it was said to have done and those who did survive it are all dead as for its classification. It would be interesting to go look at historical records and find the number of Sailors that died in that time due to non combat related deaths and then find their last place of duty? I bet that would uncover a mystery in its own.
But as for the two experiments, they did happen but the information out there pertaining to them is very incorrect and the true facts are distorted, this is all classic government disinformation. Any person who claims that these events happened as per modern explanation are either lying or stealing someone else’s incorrect information.
Ok, so why would I call out someone like this? Well first I am sick and tired of people trying to make money off of something they have failed to do the real research for. Then they steal someone else’s story or lie and pass it on as their own and people accept it as truth. First this is very dangerous because it is a form of control and manipulation and next it is crazy because it allows mainstream people who have above average intelligence look at us as if we are loonies making crap up.
I have always been a good judge of character and my intuition sense others energies to a tie. I can clearly say that Dan Bursich is absolutely lying and David Wilcock probably has a gift but money is more important so lying or stealing others research comes first.
So what does this have to do with 2012? The million dollar question! Many people here and everywhere are searching for answers. They look to many spiritual leaders and presenters for their research and insight. Many talk about light body activations, or a new cosmic energy. I have heard some say that Aliens are going to come down others think it is the end of the world. I have researched this extensively from ancient history and religions to new age theories and what I have found is both enlightening and scary.
See today there is a huge misconception about what the Mayan calendar actually means, what ancient sages were saying, what Revelations and others such prophecies actually pertain to. But before I explain what I have found lets see why I found it. Think of all thoughts on consciousness and god as orange juice. The orange juice is nutritious, plentiful; it tastes good and makes you feel good. But the problem is that in order to get to it we must first get through the synthetic container that carries it. This container is plastic or cardboard, it is man made. If you eat it will be very unhealthy for you in not kill you. In all it forms it contains it same toxic effects. So what I am trying to say if that in order to see the true messages that were left by the ancients we must strip all the man made crap that has to deal with power, control and manipulation away for it. Once this happens then the flower begins to blossom into a beautiful being.
Ok now back to 2012. What I have uncovered is that life is about an evolutionary process. The spirit evolves on two levels. One spiritual and one physical. Each one balances the other or that is the ultimate evolutionary goal is for complete balance. The being itself goes through many dimensions or realms of existence, this allows the being to experience and evolve its consciousness.
Now before we can truly understand what is to come we must first know what happened. Sometime ago some higher beings found a primitive species and manipulated their DNA to make them more intelligent. For what reasons? I don’t know. The history is very vague on this. But what we do know is that at some point these beings realized thier true potential, they then separated from the creator beings and started to rule themselves. Within sometime their civilizations were destroyed and they had to rebuild. Now, it is claimed that these beings lived some 900-960 years. Their spiritual evolution on this planet was just one life. If we look at the human body we can clearly see this. The body was never meant to be reused over and over. After this cataclysm these people had to go into a survival mode. What I mean by this is that the population was dramatically reduced, the Earth was going through drastic changes and the living environment was disrupted. So the people had to resort to their animalistic urges for survival. This was the essential falling out of Eden. See the balance a consciousness has to the source or between the two realms on their current dimension should be at full power, so that the being can fully attend to his or her development. But after this fall that energy was greatly reduced and became unbalanced.
Think of two realms contorting on top of each other. This contortion produces a hole between the two realms in which energy is shared. A black hole so to say. Now think of this contortion as your chakras and before the great cataclysm they were fully blossomed flowers. Once they went into survival mode the flowers shut and soon after the offspring had seeds that didn’t even bloom or get fertilized. This disconnection caused a rapid decline of life force energy to the physical body and therefore cause the body itself to live a shorter period. This is the reason we have to reincarnate! Unfortunately when we reincarnate we can’t bring that prior knowledge because as noted earlier the body was actually only made for one life and we know that the infant brain is still in development and too fragile for that much information. So instead we store that information on the "astral" realm as I will call it.
Now many years have passed since this time, humanity has rebuilt and unfortunately our energies have never balanced out and have actually become even more unbalanced do to things like corruption, control, fear, manipulation. Some have been able to attain that level of connection back to the source or what I like to call it "they became balanced". They have told us the way and showed us the methods but since power is so tempting, control and manipulation have distorted the facts and set them into a system that won’t show you the truth but yet lead you astray.
Now for a long time I got mad as hell at the NWO, corruption, conspiracies etc but then it dawned on me. These same teachers that showed us these methods and told us the ways also told us that their will be a time when the information will be given back to you for you only need to find it within yourself.
This is where 2012 comes in. 2012 is a point in space and time where we as beings have a chance to ascend to the next level. This doesn’t mean that it will happen at the exact date. It only means that the universe presents the perfect opportunity at this point. But we as intelligent beings have the ability to do it anytime we want.
So here we have the perfect conditions in which we can ascend to the next level, but what does that mean? Does it mean we are going to have a whole new world? Not exactly. If you are aware that what makes up the universe is consciousness and consciousness creates through something we call thought then you are on your way to ascension. See when we ascend we are just going to have a different perspective on reality and the universal paradigm change so to say. We will see things different and will create a new "thought field" in which will generate a new reality. Essentially we will see more of the universe and reside on a different dimension but in a literal sense no one is going anywhere. Now those of us who have prepared for this change will notice a difference, some have already felt it. Most of the population will not even notice and some won’t even ascend. This will definitely cause a rift in the population and will have some major societal effects.
With this new level of thinking we can expect our senses enhanced and our awareness increased. Yes, to some who are prepared this means ESP, Telepathy, telekinesis etc. But honestly no one now can even fathom what these senses will be like because no one has witnessed them in 1000's of years. Even today psychics can’t compare to where many of us will be. But remember, in order to get here there has to be a well laid out path of self realization. Just because you read a few books on esoteric knowledge or perform rituals doesn’t mean you have fully blossomed the flower. If you want to know more on self realization feel free to contact me.
Next is the doom and gloom. See what we are all about to experience and the reason why this is going to be a prime opportunity is a cosmic ascension. Our galaxy, sun and planets are all increasing their energy. So when this happens the sun will go through a cycle of events called "mass coronal ejections". Now this happens every 150 years or so. It has been well documented within history and usually comes to a peak during the great ascension periods. In Revelations when they describe fire and brimstone being raged down in Gods wrath this was actually the sun producing MCE's. In 1859 or so the most recent peak event took place and cause what is today known as the Carrington event. At the time this peak of coronal ejections cause major electromagnetic interferences within the atmosphere. This is the same events that cause the "Northern Lights". But when the Carrington event happened it produced a huge Electromagnetic Pulse. Now before this time this never affected the planet but since the invention of electronics during this period it fried all major electronic devices in use. So place yourself in our society today when this event is set to peak in 2012? We have a society based exclusively on electronic power grids. Even our nuclear power stations run off of electronic computers.
Now you can see the 2012 apocalyptic event unfolding? This is probably the major reason why every major government has underground bunkers to house millions of people and why the current wealth grab is happening. So why would they keep all this from you? If it was widely known that an event could occur that could possibly wipe out the worlds power grips knocking the human race back to the ice age in one day and the governments themselves do not have the resources to do anything about it don’t you think there would be mass pandemonium and riots? Now you can start to see why the whole NWO is developing and why the governmental and corporate societies are so corrupt, they all know this event is going to happen. When it does then you will have many nuclear power plants melt down, you will have mass food riots, crimes, natural disasters, etc.
So what can we do? Have what is known as a bug out bag. Something you can grab that will have some items that can be used for defense, survival, trade and shelter. Then head towards under developed nations like Mexico or away from any major civilization. Basically you want to be three days walk from any major city and you don’t want to be near any nuclear power plants, basically a 100 mile radius.
Will this happen? I am almost sure of it. I think that sometime in later 2012 to early 2013 we will see this event happen. But please know that this event is actually a good thing for our civilization, for the earth needs to cleanse her of the crap that is unhealthy to her and us as a species need to do the same. The ones that will parish during this time will be the ones that were too caught up in the system, easily manipulated, too weak and no survival skills, too proud or afflicted towards crime. It is sad to say but we all had the warnings and we all had the opportunity. Those of us that will be left here will be the ones that will recreate our reality. We will be the ascended ones on the higher level. We will know the truths of the ages and the cycles the present themselves. The current control systems will no longer exist and we as a race will be given the chance to reconnect with the earth and live in harmony and peace with one and another. For when this event happens those who believed in man made religion will have their beliefs shattered and many will perish believing this was the prophecy being fulfilled.
My brothers and sisters, prepare for there is a new world on the horizon. For it will be the new world that we create in our own image, one with out religion but instead a knowing that we are all one and that our connection to the source and its evolution is our purpose. We will not know of money for society will operate as if it never existed. We will work to benefit each other and not ourselves individually. Instead of governments people will instead govern themselves, for their will be no money so their will be no need for crime and if there is no crime there will be no laws. We all will be able to communicate through energy and just by focusing on each other we will know everything about each other, so there will be no way to lie. The new world is brilliant and beautiful but will only happen if you choose it. For balance is presenting itself but first ye must balance yourself.
Beware of the ones that choose to charge massive amounts of money for seminars, activations, answer etc. All the information you need is contained within you. For I do charge for consultations and healing, it is no where near what these people charge and most of the time I will give you bonuses and free sessions.
If any of you on here need anything don’t hesitate to ask.
Many out there call themselves things they probable are not. I will tell you I am a practitioner of the Book of Life, and can guide and open you up to where you need to be, but I can only show you the way you must walk it yourself. Also I do long distance healing, Reiki, personal life coaching and much more. If any of you want to talk feel free to shoot me an email, if any of you need a session just let me know what you can afford and what you need and we will set something up, I have no set price and depending on what you need I will be flexible and very generous.
In Truth,

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