Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Greatest Story Ever Told.

For many of you that have read my previous blogs you know that I am a very straight forward person who uses facts to organize a theory. I claim that facts are acquired wisdom over the ages. It has knowledge that has tested the tale of time.
In the last few weeks I have stumbled upon some very Esoteric knowledge. I call it the hidden within the hidden. I have tried many times in the last few days to put this information into words without much success. But then it hit me. This information was encoded for a reason, the reason was that it is for you to figure out and the way the information retains its secrecy is that no words can describe it and only understanding can come from it. For this information are seriously the makings of the universe. It is the understanding of The All in the all; it is the conception of as above so below. It is the unification of the grand scale. This is seriously the most powerful information that any being could obtain, and with power comes corruption. So with this power in the hands of others who are not attuning to it could cause devastating occurrences. So I have chosen to follow the ancient tradition and not try to put this into words. For any that seek it the clues are there and I will be more than happy to guide you in the right direction.
The biggest clue I can give to is taking the perspective of the greatest story ever told. It is common knowledge within the esoteric community that the greatest story ever told is exactly that! This is because it is a multilayered informative story that interweaves science, philosophy, spiritualism, astrology and history all into one story. It is simply the most metaphorical concentration that was ever devised. Within it, if you can find the code, it unravels the latter into the simplicity and true wisdom that is contained within it. Everything from anti gravity to the true nature of God comes to life. This is shown from experimentation and applying its principles to modern accepted scientific and religious truth.
But to say the least, modern science is wrong! When we say there is not such thing as matter and reality is just an illusion we are so close but yet so far from the truth. The truth they say is stranger than fiction.
Since this discovery I have had my sense start to shift, and my perception is starting to change. All because I now look at the world in a new view. I hope that all who seek it find its truth and wisdom, because it is simply beautiful but in a sense not what you would expect.
I am still in kindergarten on this knowledge but I will tell you that it transforms your perspective and relates to all. The story of humanity is now so clear it is right in front of my eyes.
If anyone is interested feel free to contact me. I will give you hints but I will not show you the path for I cannot put it into words.
The first few hints are these:
Coral Castle
God, Lucifer, Man
The magnetic Atom
Particle/Wave interactions
I hope all find what they are looking for.
In love and light.

I will post more on this by request..

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